Providence Community Housing Statement on Senior Housing Property Management
Providence Community Housing is an independent 501c3 community housing development organization. Our mission is to develop, preserve and manage affordable housing for seniors, individuals, and families. Providence was founded after Hurricane Katrina to bring back housing opportunities so that displaced residents could return home. We have partnered with numerous funders and organizations to develop over 1,500 units of affordable rental units and 100 homes sold to low- to moderate-income families. In addition, Providence worked with several local governmental agencies in providing soft second mortgages to more than 500 low- to moderate-income families, allowing them to become first time homeowners.
In keeping with our mission, Providence entered an agreement to oversee the management operations of Christopher Homes in 2024. Our intent when we agreed to this work was to operate the senior housing portfolio that Christopher Homes has overseen for nearly 60 years in a sustainable way that continues to serve low-income seniors for the next 60 years. With rising insurance costs, potential funding cuts and aging buildings, Providence accepted the property management role as a challenge to expand our mission and increase our impact.
In January 2025, Providence Community Housing was able to bring property management operations formally into our family by entering into property management agreements with 21 individual senior housing properties, six that are owned by Providence directly and 15 that are sponsored by the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Included with our property management services, we provide service coordination to help residents remain independent and stably housed by connecting them to community resources and services.
Providence has not purchased Christopher Homes or any new properties as a part of this expansion.
Terri North
President & CEO
Providence Community Housing